Animal Behavior Documentary

The documentary describing the history and future of animal training, from Pavlov and Skinner to the amazing and wonderful applications we see today to the possibilities of animals helping people in even more ways in the future is in its post-production phase. We expect it to be on the market by end of 2020 (aspirational) or early 2021 (surely by then) from SpyBird Productions. Check out our website! (SpyBird Productions)
Achieving Forever
A video project created to support dog rescue groups. Visit our YouTube Channel for ideas to help your foster dog become more adoptable through simple positive-reinforcement techniques.

Animal Behavior by Keller and Marian Breland

The classic text first published in 1966 is out of print. In 2018, Dr. Bob Bailey, Nancy Kelly and a team of passionate participants published a new edition, including over 50 pages of historic photos and a new introduction and foreword by Dr. Bailey. The new book puts the exact writings of Marian and Keller Breland back into the hands of people who are interested in the discovery and development of the science of animal behavior, at a much better price than the out-of-print book, though the original book is a gem to own, too!