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For Dog Trainers
Introduction to Animal Training
2 hours of lecture on: Historical and academic basis for animal training, including Pavlov, Skinner, Herrnstein and other pioneers; Behavior terminology; planning training sessions; making decisions; shaping and recordkeeping; introduction of a training plan for service dogs which is applicable to other types of working dogs as well as pets, starting with basic manners through public access skills through the foundations for tasks.
2 hours of hands-on practice: people training people, practicing reinforcement skills using small objects, clickers, and pennies as reinforcers at tables of 3 including a trainer, trainee, and observer. Exercises include placement and speed of reinforcement without then with clickers, training a trainee with positive reinforcement to perform a behavior, putting the behavior on cue.
This workshop has been approved for CEUs in the past. I will be happy to apply for CEUs for your group.
Practicing and teaching excellent leash skills to people and dogs: includes 2 hours of lecture interspersed with 2 hours of hands-on activities. Participants learn why leash skills are important, how to apply behavior principles to training dogs and teaching humans to practice leash manners with each other, and how to develop their own skills at leash training beginner dogs and dogs with years of poor leash training behind them. Hands-on exercises include games for splitting out individual leash skills, mechanical reinforcement skills to improve timing, practice in creating training plans to address needed skills for dogs and humans, and more.
This workshop has been approved for CEUs in the past. I will be happy to apply for CEUs for your group.
For Rescue Groups and Dog Foster Parents
Training to Increase Adoption Options
I offer these workshops to Rescue Groups and Animal Shelters on simple beginning behavior modification that helps dogs become more adoptable while in foster care. I work with your individual rescue dogs during these workshops, and every volunteer or foster parent has a chance to have his or her particular dog’s issues addressed. We’ll cover most of the common reasons for dogs being returned to rescue groups. Participants will receive education in science-based behavior and training.
For Veterinary and Shelter Staff
Handling Techniques to Help Dogs Stay Calm and Prevent Bites to People
Veterinary Staff can benefit from improving their handling techniques so that dogs are more comfortable during medical procedures, people are not bitten, and dogs’ behavior gets better with each vet visit rather than worse. Rescue Group Volunteers can benefit from better handling techniques by helping dogs remain calm during transport and grooming, preventing the development of aggressive behavior, and making dogs more adoptable. Shelter Staff was our initial group to work with in this program, and we have some data showing they can do their work more safely and with better animal welfare without taking more time to do so. There are multiple sections to this program, and you may participate in however many you wish, depending on the level of your staff/volunteers and your needs.